Wren out my office window. This wren is ON IT.
The Cabinet of Curiosities website is experiencing some sort of horrific undead half-life--another way of saying we're posting stories there only sporadically right now. My newest one is about a ghost fox. Watch out for ghost foxes, man.
The Austin Chronicle did a really lovely interview with me. All about fairy-making and Burning Man and learning lines and why you should make art. YES YOU.
My ten-minute play "Right into the Night Sky" was nominated as Outstanding Original Script at the 2016 local B. Iden Payne theater awards, up against four, you know, actual, full-length plays. A canary flying (briefly) with the eagles!
I wrote a post on writing in the omniscient point of view for Yellow Bird Editors. Let's bring it back y'all!
Psyched to learn that Colby Minifie, the young actress who reads the audio version of The Radiant Road, has a regular role on the amazing Marvel's Jessica Jones.